Difference Between Non-Muslims & Qadianis, By Maulana Yusuf Ludhianvi Shahid

Highlighting the Difference between Qadianis and other unbelievers


I want to tell you briefly how Qadianis differ from other “Kafirs”. But before I do so, I shall answer a question which is in the minds of some of our brothers.

The Question in three parst:

Firstly: Why is it that an organization called Aalami Majlis Tahaffuz e Khatme Nubuwwat has been set up, specifically aiming to pursue Qadianis to whichever part of the world they go and expose them by Allah’s help and with the cooperation of Muslim rather than when there are other Non-Muslims also in the world, such as Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc?

Secondly: Why is there no such organization against any other “Kafir” community?

Thirdly: What was the reason for such stalwarts of Islam as Imam ul asr Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Shaikh ul Islam Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Banuri, Ameer-e-Shariat Ataullah Shah Bukhari, and Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood (Allah’s mercy on all of them) to have attached so much importance to counter the ‘Kufr’ of Qadianis that it was considered necessary to establish an organization, on an international level, namely Aalami Majlis Khatme Nubuwwat?


Before I answer, I sum up the question which in short is: What distinguishes a Qadiani from other Non-Muslims?

First I lay before you an example:

You know that wine is prohibited in Shari’at. Drinking wine, manufacturing, and selling it are all prohibited, i.e., “Haraam” Similarly, you know that a pig is filthy and impure. Selling its meat which is called pork and its eating, giving or conveying are absolute prohibitions, i.e. “Haraam Mutlaq”. Everyone is aware of these precepts.

Now imagine a situation: A man sells wine calls it wine. Another man also sells wine but pastes a label of ‘Zam-Zam’ on the bottle, i.e., he is selling wine under the name of ‘Zam-Zam’. Both persons are criminals but who is a greater criminal? You know the answer.

Take another example: There is a butcher who is selling pork. He sells it as such. Clearly, he says this is pork. Whosoever wants to buy may buy it. Certainly, he is a criminal in Shariah for selling pork. Against this is a person who sells pork but calls it mutton. Now both these persons have committed a crime in Islamic Law, but sky-high is the difference in the nature of the offense between the two. One sells ‘Unlawful’, i.e., ‘Haraam’ calling it ‘Unlawful’, Haraam. The other sells ‘Unlawful’ Haraam, calling it ‘Lawful’, i.e. ‘Halaal’. Anybody, unawares, could fall into his trap and eat ‘Unlawful-Haraam’ pork thinking it to be ‘Lawful-Halaal’ mutton.

Thus, the difference between a butcher selling pork as mutton and a butcher selling pork as pork is precisely the difference between a Qadiani and other Non-Muslim such as Jew, Christian, and Hindu, etc. ‘Kufr’ is ‘Kufr’ in both cases because it is the negation of Islam. But ‘Kafirs’ of the world do not put label of Islam on their ‘Kufr’ and do not propagate their ‘Kufr’ as Islam. A Qadiani, on the other hand, puts a label of Islam on his ‘Kufr’ and deceives Muslims by saying this Islam.


So far I have spoken to you in general terms. I shall explain the theology.

‘Kufr’ is of several kinds but three are very obvious:

First: The ‘Kafir’ who is undoubtedly a ‘Kafir’.

Second: That ‘Kafir’ who is ‘Kafir’ from inside but pretends as Muslim from outside.

Third: That ‘Kafir’ who tries to label his ‘Kufr’ as Islam.

Category No. 1:

Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc., are unmistakably and undoubtedly ‘Kafirs.’ The Polytheists Mushriken of pre-Islamic Makkah was also included in this category. All of them are openly Kafirs.

Category No. 2:

In the second category are Hypocrites Munafiqen who recite:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

from the tongue but hide ‘Kufr’ in their hearts. In their case, Allah, the Exalted, proclaims.

إِذَا جَاءَكَ الْمُنَافِقُونَ قَالُوا نَشْهَدُ إِنَّكَ لَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ

“When Hypocrites come to you they say, “We believe in you as Allah’s Prophet”

وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ إِنَّكَ لَرَسُولُهُ

“And Allah knows that you are certainly Allah’s Prophet.”

وَاللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لَكَاذِبُونَ

“And Allah testifies that Hypocrites are perfect liars.”

Thus the ‘Kufr’ of ‘Hypocrites’ (Munafiqeen) is greater than that of normal ‘Kafirs’ because by reciting Kalima Tayyiba لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ they add lies to ‘Kufr’.

Hazrath Imam Shafi (R.A), used to say about Ibrahim bin Ulayya: “I am his opponent, so much so, that I shall oppose him even if he recites لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ.

It means that some persons are so compulsive liars that they lie even in ‘Kalima Tayyiba’ because their ‘Kalima’ is a show of falsehood.

Category No. 3:

The ‘Kufr’ of the third category exceeds the ‘Kufr’ of the second category because their offense is that they call their ‘Kufr’ as Islam. They present pure ‘Kufr’ in the nomenclature of Islam by twisting the verses of the Holy Quran, the sacred ‘Ahadith’ of the prophet (ﷺ) the statements of his companions and sayings of revered saints in order to prove the ‘Kufr’ as Islam. Such men are called ‘Dualist-infidels’ (Zindeeq) in Shari’at terminology.

To sum up, the three categories are Unbelievers (Kafir); Hypocrites: (Munafiq); and Dualist-Infidel: (Zindeeq).

‘Kafir’ (Unbeliever) is a person who does not believe in Allah and the Prophet (ﷺ) neither outwardly nor inwardly. ‘Munafiq’ (Hypocrite) is a person who hides ‘Kufr’ in his heart and his recitation of ‘Kalima’ is false. He is a pretender. ‘Zindeeq’ (Dualist-Infidel) is a person who gilt-edges his ‘Kufr’ with the gold of Islam and tries to present it as real Islam.


An apostate (Murtad) is a person who abandons Islam. A precept should be understood here which is recorded in the books. All the four schools of ‘Fiqah’ unanimously agree that in case of an apostate (Murtad), Shari’at allows him three days to enable him to remove his doubts. All possible efforts should be made to clarify his doubts. If he understands and re-enters the Islamic fold, well and good; otherwise he should be sentenced. This precept is known as awarding capital sentences to an apostate. None of the Imams differs on this issue. Laws of all civilized countries and governments award capital punishment to rebels. An apostate is a rebel of Islam. Therefore apostasy (lrtedad) is punished with a capital sentence.


Islamic Shari’at offers a concession to its rebels while laws of the world do not do so. They must put their traitors to death even if they beg for mercy after their arrest and award of sentence.

Take the example of a rebel of any modern government. He may repent, beg to be excused or vouch for good behavior a hundred times, assuring the government that in future he will never resort to revolt; still he will not be heard. The capital sentence will be executed on him. His repentance will be unacceptable. At no cost will he be excused.

But Islamic Shari’at Law gives a concession to its rebel. The Apostate (Murtad) is allowed three days to think over. He is advised to withdraw and renounce his apostatic stance. If he assures for future and is repentant, he is not punished. In spite of this human concession afforded by Shari’at, Non-Muslims criticize the Islamic punishment.

It is a matter of surprise that there are no objections to the hanging of a person when caught in conspiracy, say for toppling the lawful Governments of the American President or the Russian president or the Pakistani President. Conspirators are sentenced to death and no law of any civilized court disagrees with this.

Why do then people disapprove of punishing a person who rebels against Allah’s prophet (S.A.W) and say: Do not give him capital punishment. Islam does concede three days grace to enable the apostate to remove his doubts and come back into the Islamic fold. If he begs for mercy or repents, Shari’at grants him his life back. But if he is adamant and refuses to renounce his apostasy then Allah’s sacred soil deserves to be cleaned of his foul existence.


It is so because it takes the form of a carbuncle which stinks. If a malignant growth (Allah forbid) appears on some part of the human body, doctors advise its amputation. Who would call this a tyranny over the patient? Rather a favor to him! By this removal the sound parts of the body are saved from septic poisoning, else death would be certain. Therefore it is wise to cut away the diseased part to protect the healthy part.

In the same way, apostasy is a carbuncle of Islamic Millat. The malignant part, i.e. the Murtad, despite preaching does not retrace his steps. Therefore, cancerous malignancy must necessarily be removed otherwise his poison will gradually travel inside the entire physiology of the Islamic Millat. This indeed is the unanimous verdict of the four Imams, and theologians, and doctors of Shari’at law. Wisdom and sagacity demand it. The safety of Millat lies in it.


A dualist-infidel is worse than an apostate, because he is bent upon presenting his ‘Kufr’ as Islam. Imam Shafi and Imam Ahmed, in their well-known sayings, were pleased to ordain that a dualist-infidel (Zindeeq) is governed by the same orders as an apostate (Murtad); that is, afford him a chance first, give him time to repent and permit him to return to the Islamic fold. If within three days he does so, leave him unscathed, otherwise it is obligatory to award him capital sentence.


Imam Malik, (R.A), goes one step forward to say:

لا أقبل توبۃ الزندیق

” I will not accept the penitence of a Dualist-Infidel”.

By this he means to say that if a person guises his ‘Kufr” with Islam and do not repent when caught in the act, then, (leaving it to Allah whether or not He accepts his penitence), we shall certainly promulgate Allah’s Shari’at on him, i.e., shall pronounce capital punishment for him. This is a crime that is similar to adultery in which a person may be penitent (Taaib) for the future but his penitence will not save him from death. Therefore, he will be punished under all circumstances. Similarly, hands are to be amputated for stealing. A thief, on arrest, may offer penitence (Tauba) but his offense will not go unpunished.

It is in this light that Imam Malik says:

لا أقبل توبۃ الزندیق

“I will not accept the penitence of a Dualist-Infidel.”

Capital punishment will certainly be given to him, although he may be penitent (Taaib) a hundred times.

Similar sayings are on record from Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (R.A). In books of ‘Fiqah such as Durr-e-Mukhtar and “Shami” and some others, it is written that if a Dualist-Infidel offers penitence (Tauba) of his own free will, his penitence will be accepted without capital penalty, provided no one came to know of his offense. Similarly, he will be excused from punishment if he became penitent of his own free will, on Allah’s guidance. Therefore, if a Qadiani renounces his ‘Qadianism’, on his own and offers penitence (Tauba) then he will be excused. On the contrary, if he offers penitence (Tauba) after arrest then there will be an excuse, irrespective of his repentance even a hundred times.


Shari’at enjoins upon us to preach to apostate. If he as a result of preaching, undertakes penitence (Tauba) he will save himself from capital punishment but this does not apply to a dualist-infidel. There is another saying from Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa, and one from Imam Ahmed (R.A), that penitence (Tauba) of a dualist-infidel is not acceptable because he has committed the crime of dualism infidelity (Zindeeq), i.e, he applied a false coating of Islam over his ‘Kufr’.

I repeat, he has sold pork as mutton and wine as ‘Zam-Zam’. This is a crime that is not excusable and is certainly punishable with a capital sentence.


My purpose here is not to tell you why Qadianis are ‘Kafirs’. What I do wish to tell you is that in spite of their being die-hard ‘Kafirs’ they present their ‘Kufr’ with the label of ‘Islam.’ Take the case of our Kalima Tayyiba:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

They do not believe in our ‘Kalima’, How can they claim to be Muslims? Please understand this clearly that a person who doubts in their being a ‘Kafir’ is not a Muslim. They pretend to be Muslims and say, “We are Muslim, we are only a sect of Islam called jamaat Ahmadiyya”. But they are liars. They have established their colony near London and have named it “Islamabad” and behave as protagonists of Islam. When they come across a Muslim they deceive him and tell him: You see, we offer “Namaz” keep Fasts, do this and do that and we consider Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ as “Khatam-un Nabieen, i.e., the last of the Prophets”. They play fraud on simple ignorant Muslims and assure them that every person who enters their “Jamaat” has got to agree to one condition of their Charter of Loyalty which reads as follows:

“I acknowledge Hazrat Mohammad (ﷺ) as “Khatam un Nabeen” with all sincerity of my heart”.

By this convenient they deceive poor simple Muslims.


They are so for the simple reason that they pour Islam into their mold of ‘Kufr’ and lable urine as ‘Zam-Zam’ and dog’s carrion as ‘Halaal’. The whole world knows that Allah’s prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was the last of the Prophets. This Islamic doctrine of finality of prophethood is a definite certainty. On the occasion of his farewell Hajj, the prophet declared:

أیھا الناس أنا آخر الأنبیاء وأنتم آخر الأمم

“O people! I am the last Prophet and you are the last Ummah.”

Besides, there are more than two hundred ‘Ahadith’ in which the Prophet, (ﷺ) himself explained about the finality of Prophethood (Khatame Nubuwwat). In different ways and through different expressions he was pleased to say that there will be no prophet after him and that nobody will be given prophethood after him (ﷺ).


It does not mean that any previous prophet is not alive. It simply means that if for the sake of argument all the previous prophets supposedly come into the world in the times of our Prophet Muhammad, (ﷺ) and become his servants, even then our prophet (ﷺ) shall continue to be the last prophet since nobody has been awarded prophethood after him. The list of the blessed prophets in the manifest of the All-Knowing Allah carried his exalted name in the last. With his arrival, the list of the holy prophets became complete.


A child who is born last in a family is called their youngest offspring. He is the final child and none is born after him. It does not mean that he is the last to survive among his brothers. Of course, it sometimes happens that he is born last but dies earlier. Then the father says: this child who died was my last one.

In the same way, the last prophet (Khatam un Nabiyyeen) means no prophet after him; no person shall wear the crown of prophethood or sit on the throne of prophethood after Muhammad (ﷺ) Those prophets who were sent down earlier is certainly within our Faith but our Prophet (ﷺ) is the last one. None else will wear the prophetic mantle of honor after him; nor will the Ummah put faith in any such pretender.


Qadianis say that the epithet of ‘Khatam un Nabiyyeen’ does not mean that our Prophet is the last of the Prophets and that there shall be no prophet after him. In their opinion it means that our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) will certify future Prophets with his seal, i.e. on whomsoever he will stamp, that person shall become a prophet. What nonsense! In fourteen hundred years only one person, namely Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian has been stamped as a prophet and he to a cock-eyed man! The seal has authenticated a one-eyed ‘Dajjal’ from Qadian!

I repeat that the term ‘Khatam un Nabiyyeen’ means that our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is the last prophet. All new entries have been stopped. They have been sealed. No prophet will come after him. It is like an envelope which has been closed by sealing it. ‘Khatam’ means sealing. Therefore, the term ‘Khatam un Nabiyyeen’ means that the list of the prophets is completed and the seal has been placed on it. Neither a fresh entry is possible nor will there be any removal from that list.

But the Qadianis have changed the meaning of ‘Khatam un Nabiyyeen’ to mean that our Prophet grants certificates of prophethood to persons. In other words, Allah, who was previously sending down prophets, has now transferred this department to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) for stamping people and making them prophets!!.

This is called infidelity (Zindaqiat). In this way, they pronounce the name of Islam for meeting their nefarious designs and twist the meaning of verses of the Holy Quran to suit their agnostic beliefs. That is why I say they sell pork and dog’s carrion as ‘Halaal’ meat and produce liquor under the holy label of ‘Zam-Zam’.

By Allah, I would not have cared one bit for them if they had plainly said: “We are not Muslims and Islam is not our religion”.


This is also one of the religions in the world. The Bahai’s believe in Bahaullah of Iran as their prophet. This group still exists. We call them ‘Kaafir’ and they have also declared that they have nothing to do with Islam. Well, there ends the matter.

But these Qadianis call their ‘Kufr’ as Islam and in this way deceive Muslims. It is for this reason that they are dualist-infidels (Zindeeq) and not simply Non-Muslims. Remember! A Muslim can be at peace with a Non-Muslim but never with a dualist-infidel (Zindeeq) or apostate (Murtad).


Who has allowed you to:

I. Call yourself Muslims while you believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian as your prophet?

2. Cancel the Kalima of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and adopt the Kalima of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

3. Call the so-called ‘Wahi of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the basis of salvation in place of the true ‘Wahi’ of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

you impudently declare yourselves Muslims and call us ‘Kaafirs’ I quote from your Mirza Bashir Ahmed Qadiani’s Kalima Al Fasl, P.110:

“Every person who believes in Musa but does not believe in Esa or believes in Esa and does not believe in Muhammad or believes in Muhammad but does not believe in the Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad), (Such a person) is not only an Unbeliever (“Kafir”) but a thorough Unbeliever (“Pakka Kafir”) and an outcast from the Islamic fold”.


The Qadianis claim that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was destined to come down into the world two times, first in Makkah and this prophethood lasted 1300 years, and secondly in Qadian, at the start of fourteenth Hijra in the incarnation of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Therefore in their opinion, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the reincarnation of Muhammad (ﷺ) and consequently the Qadianis think of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Muhammad ur Rasulullah in their minds when reciting the Kalima Tayyiba. This is veiled ‘Kufr’.

I quote again Mirza Bashir Ahmed Qadiani from his Al Fasl, p. 158:

“The Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) is Muhammad ur Rasulullah himself who was reincarnated in the world for propagation of Islam. Therefore, we do not need a new Kalima Yes, if somebody else would have reborn instead of Muhammad ur Rasulullah then this need (to have a new Kalima) would have arisen”.

From the above it is evident that for the Qadianis ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah’ means ‘la ilaha illallah Mirza Rasulullah’ who (Muhammad ur Rasulullah) has been reincarnated in Qadian. (Allah protect us from this sacrilege) The Qadianis believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is Prophet Muhammad incarnate. Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani writes: “For us Mirza himself is Muhammad ur Rasulullah and we recite the Kalima believing Mirza to be Muhammad ur Rasulullah. Therefore we do not need to construct a new Kalima”. This is what Mirza Bashir Ahmad says. However, we say that Mirza was not Muhammad ur Rasulullah incarnate; rather Mirza was Devil incarnate!


The Qadianis believe in:

1. a different Prophet.

2. a different Quran.

3. a different Kalima.

4. a different Shari’at.

5. a different Ummat.

6. a different name of Quran, i.e.

‘Tazkira’ composed by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.

How with all these very basic differences the Qadianis have the cheek to tell the world that they are Muslims and that their religion is Islam! They are Dualist-Infidels indeed. Allah protect us from their calumny and cunning!


I ask Qadianis: You call us ‘Kafirs’. Why?

What tenets of ‘Deen’ of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) have we refused to accept? Just because of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s birth all the Muslims of the world have become ‘Kafirs’! Before his birth, our ‘Deen’ was alright as Islam and we were Muslims. After his creation, our ‘Deen has become ‘Kufr’ and we have become ‘Kafirs’!! Allah protect us from the Qadianis’ snare! Can there be any more nonsense to compare with?


He has committed these heinous crimes:

a. Claimed Prophethood.

b. Started a new religion.

c. Called his followers Muslims.

d. Called followers of Muhammad (ﷺ) as ‘Kafirs’.

Please tell me, if any Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Parsee, Cobbler, Sweeper, etc., has ever committed this crime. Therefore I say that the Qadianis are ‘Kafirs’ of the highest magnitude and of the worst degree ever born.


By the Law of Shari’at, they should be awarded capital sentences because they are Dualist-infidels (“Zindeeq”) calling Islam ‘Kufr’ and ‘Kufr’ Islam. If they are masquerading as Muslims on the face of the globe, it is because they have not been sentenced. Despite this concession, they proclaim that they are being tyrannized in Pakistan. Truly speaking, they are taking undue advantage of our politeness and the Pakistan Government is treating them most kindly which they do not deserve. The Government has not placed any restrictions on the performance of their religious rites. They have been only told to stop calling the religion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as ‘Kufr’ and to stop calling their Qadiani religion as Islam; no more restriction than this.

Otherwise, remember! The law of Shari’at ordains to award them the capital sentences. But the Government of Pakistan has given them a concession. The Qadianis occupy high posts and offices in Government administration and public services. In spite of these concessions, they appeal to the United Nations and to the Courts of Jews and Christians, clamoring that the Pakistan Government has snatched their rights. What were their rights which have been snatched? What wrong has been done to them? Only they have been told that Kalima Tayyiba is the Kalima of Islam.


a) be permitted to paste bottles of liquor with labels of ‘Zam-Zam’?

b) be allowed to sell pig’s pork and dog’s carrion as ‘Halaal meat?

c) be allowed to call our Islam as ‘Kufr’?

d) be allowed to present the religion of cockeyed Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Islam?


The pronouncement of “محمد رسول اللہ” from the mouth of these hypocrites (i.e. the Qadianis) is

1. A disgrace of our Kalima.

2. A disgrace of Allah’s Prophet.

3. A disgrace of Deen-e-lslam.

They cannot be allowed to go ahead with this disgrace and deceit. Allah has said about these hypocrites:

وَاللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لَكَاذِبُونَ

“Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars”.

These dualist-infidels (‘Zindeeq’) like an apostate (Murtad) must be awarded capital sentences. In the following paragraphs, I record my reasons.


Shari’at allows three days grace period for an apostate (Murtad) to get back into the Islamic fold. If he does not, he is to be awarded capital punishment.

Numbers that, being a sizable group, they appear to be out of control for an Islamic Government to award them the capital sentence. Let me be more precise. Take the example of an Islamic country where the Muslim population of a town decides to become, let’s say, Christians, and having done so, manage somehow to save themselves from the Shari ‘at punishment. After a passage of time, these Christians die their natural death leaving their children as Christians. The precept for them is to force these people back into the Islamic fold, by imprisoning them or by other appropriate means but not by capital punishment. In other words, if the original parent was an apostate, his son will also be an apostate. However, the grandson will not be an apostate; he will be a simple ‘Kaafir’. That is to say, an apostate family remains apostate up to one generation. The second generation will not be called an apostate.


The breed of Qadianis will never change. They may multiply up to ninety-nine generations, still, the hundredth one will continue to be Dualist-infidel and Apostate. The reason is that their crime is a never-ending one. So long they call their ‘Kufr’ as Islam their infidel dualism shall see no end. This offense shall be ongoing in their progeny.

For anybody unaware of the facts, let it be clear to him that every Qadiani, whether he is so by conversion, or by birth, or by heritage, is a dualist-infidel under the Shari’at Law because his crime flows unending throughout his lineage.


Something more I want to tell you for which I shall draw an example which, I am afraid, is crude but it suits here.

A father had ten sons. All his life he treated them as his sons. After his death, a fellow gets up to claim that he is the sole legitimate son and the ten are illegitimate. Two questions arise here:

Firstly: Will any sane person accept the claim of this fellow who is born of a non-descript origin and who never laid his claim while the father was alive? Conversely, never did the deceased father say to anybody that he had a son of that description. Can any Court of Justice in the whole world adjudicate in favor of that fellow and declare the ten legitimate sons as illegitimate? No Never!

Secondly: What will be the reaction of the ten legitimate sons against the non-descript who calls them sons of adultery?

Keeping the answers to the two questions in mind, now listen: We belong to the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)We fully believe in the Deen which he brought forth. We are his spiritual children. If I say so, it is no idea of mine but it is the Holy Quran which speaks in these terms:

النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ

‘The Prophet is more related to Muomins than their self is to them’.

That is to say, no member of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has a stronger relationship with his self than what Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) has with each member of his Ummah.

And the holy Quran further declares:

وَأَزْوَاجُهُ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ

‘And his wives are their mothers’.

It is therefore evident that all the revered wives of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)are our mothers and we call each of them ‘Ummul Momineen’ (Mother of Muslims); for example, Ummaul Momineen Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadija Tul Kubra; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Maimoona; Ummal Momineen Hazrat Umme Salma, and so on (R.A) When they are our mothers, surely Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) is our spiritual father.

But children in a family are seldom identical. Some are more obedient, some are less helpful, some are more virtuous, some are less dutiful, some are wiser and some are less clever, but they are all members of one family despite their differing personality and varying individuality, still they are known as children of the same parents.

Muslims have ever been the spiritual children of Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) for thirteen centuries, till, at the start of the fourteenth century, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad popped up from Qadian and claimed solely for himself the spiritual sonship of Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and excluded all others. Mirza did not stop at that, he dubbed the Muslims as “Kafirs”. The whole Ummah of Islam has been abused by him as “illegitimate” keeping legitimacy only for himself. On this basis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad calls all the Muslims as “Haram zadey” (bastard). Allah protects us from his slander and abuse. Excuse me for quoting the words of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad but I had to.


I ask the civilized courts of the world to dismiss Ghulam Ahmad’s raving claim of spiritual sonship as a stupid claim of that sinful vagrant of non-descript lineage who claims legitimacy to the exclusion of ten real sons and who attempts to sever the connection of the whole Ummah from their Prophet (ﷺ) in spite of the Ummah’s complete submission to his “Deen” from A to Z. Have we made any alteration in the doctrines of Islamic faith or is it Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who has sinfully done so?


I happened to talk to a Qadiani once. I told him: “We have been Muslims for thirteen centuries all along. Suddenly, in the fourteenth century, your Mirza Ghulam Ahmad appeared and made impossible claims. Thus the discord ensued. Listen and be just. Here is an offer to you: if our present beliefs are according to Islamic beliefs of the past thirteen centuries, accept us and leave Ghulam Ahmad and if your present beliefs are according to the Islamic beliefs of the past thirteen centuries we shall accept you. Thus the past thirteen centuries we shall accept you. Thus the discord will come to a permanent close. Now, answer me because the pros and cons are equal for both of us”.

That Qadiani was a Punjabi of Sialkot city. He replied in the Punjabi dialect: (Translation) “The truth is that for us everybody is a liar except Mirza Sahib”.

Now you must have understood that the Qadianis are a people who consider as liars the Companions (Sahaba R.A) of the Prophet (ﷺ) The ‘Tabeyeen’ (contemporaries of Sahaba) ‘Aimma Mujtahideen ‘(authorities on religious matters and jurists), and ‘Mujaddideen’ (theological reformers) and the entire Ummah spread over fourteen hundred years (Naouz Billah) “All liars, except Mirza”! On this premise can the Qadianis claim even an iota of relationship with Islam and Muslims? No. Never.


Gentlemen, I am sure you have now understood that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the cheat, is deceiving the entire world by calling himself a spiritual child of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ).

I turn to Muslims and ask them: Don’t have any grace left in you to answer these shameless Qadianis?.

They come to you at a social level, attend your meetings in public and private, and repeat their nonsense. On your part, you are a quiet listener to the descendants of a non-descript masquerader.

Alas, our simple Muslim brethren! Now, what are the obligations–your, mine, and that every Muslim? What does our honor demand? It demands at least to have faith in the truth of Islamic Shari’at’s decree on this issue, viz. capital punishment for an apostate and dualist-infidel. But it is up to the Government to respond to the Shari’at’s call. However, this much is within our reach that we cut off all social connections with them and don’t let them enter our gatherings and face them boldly everywhere.


Corner the liar in his mother’s lair. He has already been led away into his mother’s haunt; praise be to Allah. The country of Britain is their mother. She gave birth to them. It is for this reason that Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the Qadiani Arch-priest, has run away from Pakistan to sit snug in the lap of his mother and chew the cud in British manger. From there he is barking at the Muslims of the world.

Our simple-natured Muslims of Africa, America, and Europe are not fully aware of what is Islam and do not know what is Qadianism, and have no opportunity to sit by any theologian or preceptor. They are on the ‘hit-list’ of these Qadianis. They have decided to mislead these 35 Muslims as well as non-Muslims and are doing so. For this purpose, tons of money has been budgeted to beguile the Muslims and others and trap them into the snare of Qadiani apostasy and infidelity. But by Allah’s grace and support of Alami Majlis Tahafuzze Khatme Nubuwwat, we have taken up the gauntlet under the banner of Hazrat Khatamun Nabieen Muhammad (ﷺ) The Qadiani camouflage and coat will soon be peeled off from every nook and corner of the world, just as it has been accomplished in Pakistan.


That day is not far away when the world will get to know of the truth: that the Qadianis are not Muslims, that they are traitors of Islam, traitors of Muhammad (ﷺ) and traitors of humanity. The Anti-Qadiani movement is now surging the whole world, sweeping the Qadianis out. Final victory shall be that of our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his bondsmen.


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