About Us

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

  • This website has been created with a view to pass on the vast treasure of scientific and intellectual Islamic knowledge to the next generation in the best possible manner. The purpose is also to lead and guide towards the best and ideal Islamic way of life.
  • Respondents on the website are those who have acquired knowledge from Allegiant individuals who are experts in their respective fields and are heirs to the strong and illuminated inheritance of their ancestors.
  • It is ensured that the guidance and information provided under the supervision of qualified and authentic scholars and Muftis in the light of the Quran and sunnah.
  • It also aims to share articles by authentic Islamic scholars related to individual, common, social, and ethical issues.
  • The content presented on this page is supervised by the most credible and trustworthy scholars who consider themselves fortunate and honored because of their affiliation with the esteemed and renowned institution, the University of Islamic Sciences (Jamia Uloom Islamia Allama Yousuf Banuri Town Karachi).
  • It should be noted that if anyone uses the content published on this website for any negative purpose by removing it from its context, he will himself be responsible for it.
  • Copying of the content from our website is permitted with following terms and conditions:

(1) The article should not be altered or tampered with.
(2) The name of the author should be mentioned in the article.
(3) The source (name of the website) should be acknowledged.

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