If Sin or Hell is Written in our Destiny, Then What is our Fault? Answer to the misunderstanding, By Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi

Translated By: Maulana Yusuf Talal Ali Delorenzo

The objections that people most often use to silence those who would attempt to spur them on to performing good deeds are of two general categories.

(1) Those which directly imply Kufr (unbelief). For example, that this world is comparable to hard currency and the next to credit, and that hard currency is better than credit. Or that the pleasures of this world are certain while those of the next are only supposed, and that one should avoid supposition and stick to what he is certain of. However, since we are addressing our brothers in faith we need not deal with this category of objection.

(2) The second category of objections is of those whose basis is ignorance or carelessness. Here we will concern ourselves with answering some of these misgivings, each in a separate section.

Giving an excuse of destiny after committing a sin

1) Another common misconception is the one which goes like this. “Well, what can we do about it? That’s the way it was written”.

This has become such an overworked objection that every other man on the street finds it easy to use.

When someone commits an indecency. does he do so with the intention that since this thing is written for me, then bring it on. I shall make my deeds conform to the decree? No. no! Absolutely not! At the time, the question does not even occur to him. Not then! Only afterwards, when what is done is done, does he begin attempting to rationalize his actions. Were he to consider it impartially he would surely sense the speciousness of his so-called argument.

Secondly, if he has so much confidence in the Divine decree, then what is the reason for his failure to rely on it in his worldly affairs? When someone threatens him with loss to either life or wealth he should not even answer hack to scold that person. On the contrary he should view the whole affair as the workings of that decree which dictates that this person must do his share of evil and damage. But no, in such a situation our friend forgets all about his divine decree theories. But here, when he needs an excuse, as faith in the decree is unflinching.

“There is no use of deeds, hell or heaven? What is written in our destiny will happen”

2) Another of these objections goes like this, “if it is written that I am to go to Paradise, then that is where I will go. And if it is written that I am to go to Hell, then that is the way it is going to be. No amount of striving or sacrifice on my part is going to make things any different”.

To those who would hide behind such an objection we would reply that if this is the way things are, then why do your put yourself to the trouble of planning out your worldly affairs? Think of how much effort goes into filling your stomach. You sow, you plow, you separate the husk from the grain, you grind, you knead the dough, you bake the bread, you break it into little, bite-sized pieces, you feed the pieces into your mouth, you chew and chew, and then you swallow it down. Try doing nothing for a change. If it is written for you to eat, then the food will go down all by itself. Why all this f arming and cooking? And why is it that you always quote this verse?

رزق ہر چند بے گماں برسد

لیک شرط است جستن از درہا

“Although your daily bread will come without much trouble; Still, it takes some searching out”. In the same way that you go about getting certain causes together to give you certain desired results, you must also set to gathering the causes or good deeds that will produce for you the rewards you desire in the next world.

[Jaza ul Aa’mal, By: Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi]

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