Is Sacrifice (Qurbani) Obligatory (Wajib) on the Housewife?
NOTE: It should be noted that the below answer is the English translation of the Fatwa issued by Jamia Uloom Islamia Allama Yusuf Banuri Town, Karachi, Pakistan.
Is sacrifice obligatory (Wajib) on the housewife?
- If a wife is wealthy and a Sahib e Nisab or she has in her possession items in excess of necessity whereby sacrifice (Qurbani) becomes obligatory (Wajib) on her, it will be necessary for the wife to make Qurbani of one share. It is not necessary for the husband to make Qurbani on behalf of his wife. Yes, if with the permission of the wife, the husband makes Qurbani on her behalf, her Qurbani will be deemed to be made. If the husband does not make the Qurbani on her behalf, it will be compulsory for her to make Qurbani of one share.
- It is not sufficient for the husband to slaughter on behalf of his wife or for the wife to make Qurbani for the husband. It is necessary that they perform the Qurbani separately.
فی رد المحتار 312\6: وشرائطھا الإسلام والإقامۃ والیسار الذی یتعلق بہ وجوب صدقۃ الفطر ، لا الذکورۃ ، فتجب علی الانثی (قولہ: الیسار ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔الخ بأن ملک مائتی درھم أو عرضا یساویھا غیر مسکنہ وثیاب اللبس أو متاع یحتاجہ إلی أن یذبح الاضحیۃ
فی الفتاوی الھندیۃ 293/5 : ولیس علی الرجل أن یضحی عن أولادہ الکبار و امرأتہ إلا بإذنہ
فی البحر الرائق 179/8 : تجب علی حرم مسلم موسر مقیم عن نفسہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ شاۃ أو سبع بدنۃ فجر یوم النحر